Dr. Leonardo Pinheiro

Leonardo Pinheiro
Department, Office, or School
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Graduate Committee
Council of Rhode Island College
  • Associate Professor


Ph.D, Mathematics - Bowling Green State University, 2014

M.Sc., Mathematics - Bowling Green State University, 2007

B.Sc., Mathematics - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2002

Selected Publications

Burke, J., Burke, M., Pinheiro, L., & Richer, C. (2023). "Methods for counting the intersections of slopes in the flat torus." Transactions on Combinatorics, (), -. doi: 10.22108/toc.2023.135546.2023

J. Burke and L.Pinheiro, “Topologically mixing extensions of endomorphisms on Polish groups”, Appl. Gen. Topol., Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 179–187, 2022.

K.C. Chan, L. Pinheiro, “Simultaneous chaotic extensions for general operators on a Hilbert subspace”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 448, Issue 2, pp. 937-967, 2017.

K.C. Chan,  G.Kadel, L.Pinheiro, “Chaotic differentiation operators on harmonic functions and simple connectivity”, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales: Matematicas, Serie A; Milan Vol. 109, Issue 2, pp. 385-393, 2015.


Math 552 - Topics in Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Finance
Math 552 - Topics in Applied Mathematics: Introduction to Data Science
Math 552 - Topics in Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Modeling
Math 553 - Topics in Pure Mathematics: Functional Analysis
Math 550 - Topics: Convex Optimization 
Math 530 - Advanced Linear Algebra
Math 528 - Topology
Math 512 - Foundations of Higher Analysis
Data 460 - Seminar in Data Science 

Math 461 - Seminar in Mathematics
Math 436 - Discrete Mathematics
Math 417 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis
Math 345 - Linear Models for Data Science 
Data 345 Applied Linear Algebra for Statistical Learning
Math 314 - Calculus 3
Math 213 - Calculus 2
Math 212 - Calculus 1
Math 210 - Trigonometry
Math 209 - Precalculus Mathematics
Math 248 - Business Statistics I 
Math 177 - Quantitative Business
Math 139 - Contemporary Topics in Mathematics
Math 120 - Intermediate Algebra
Math 010 - Basics Math Competency

CSCI 141 - Applications of Artificial Intelligence 


Academic Interests

My research lays in the intersection of operator theory, functional analysis, and topological dynamics. I am particularly focused on the study of the dynamics of linear chaotic operators acting on topological vector spaces.  

I am also interested in statistical learning, applied statistics, and programming in R.